About Me.
From the moment I gave birth for the first time, my passion has become building Mother Culture, doing my part to create a world where the wellbeing of mothers and young people is the barometer for societal health. When I achieved the seemingly impossible in 2013, when I birthed my daughter and she looked at me with her crepuscular eyes, the meaning of life cohered in my heart-mind.
I understood that I had birthed a complete human being, and my role was to protect her and give her the circumstances she needed to grow into her full potential. She was not a piece of clay for me to mould, or a vessel I needed to fill. She was not a mini me. She was more like a seedling of a mighty vine, already unravelling and growing towards her full potential.
I felt both like a mother tigress and completely invisible at the same time. I was again struck by how fucking wrong our western society has become. How we make invisible what is important, and commodify what is vital.
I was born in Colombia, and raised between Bogota, London and California. I also had the luck of living in St Petersburg and in Madrid in my early twenties. My travels taught me how beautiful our earth is, and the beings I've encountered along the way, human and non-human. I've also learned how we humans seem to have a pervasive destructiveness towards all that we love. What's up with us?
I've always had a seeker's heart and mind, I seek truth, presence and connection to what is real. I am a hopeless romantic, and I have a spiritual yearning that cannot affiliate with any religion. I cannot divorce the horrors that have been done in the name of religion from the religion itself. But over the years I've taken inspiration from many spiritual paths including The Fourth Way; Sufism; Daoism; and Buddhism. I've recently been called to look at our Christian inheritance too particular through the eyes of female mystics.
When I get interested in something, I dive deep and I want to get to the truth. Birth, motherhood and education have been no exception. The realization that the children I birthed were already whole and pure has informed most of the (imperfect) decisions of my mothering and professional journey; my attempt to build the world that I want my children to inherit; moving out of London; growing food; home educating for the first 11 years; village making; becoming a Doula; training as a life coach and therapist; learning from indigenous people and cultures, and generally questioning how we can raise healthy humans in an unhealthy world.
I believe we live in unprecedented times and need to shake things up. I’ve always questioned the norm, and I get creative to live and see things in other ways, but sometimes I find myself in very normative ruts. The dominant culture around us has a lot of power and I keep working at how to free myself from it whilst living within it. I've realised that it's no longer true that change happens only within ourselves, we all need to take action, and the change needs to be multifaceted. I believe in a wilder life, and I believe that the transformation needs to happen here and now, from within our western cultural paradigm.
My contribution at this time is to make space for in-person connection, to support us to embody our interconnectedness with each other and the natural world, to accompany people to find their truth and their embodied actions in the world through loving births, through inner work, and through gathering.
This is an image Ryan (my husband) and I created of what Mother Culture means to me at this moment in time. ​

My Background
MotherCircle Facilitator Training
Kimberly Ann Johnson
and Jessica Connoly​
A comprehensive training and certificate program for women who desire to create, strengthen and lead circles of mothers in their in-person or online communities using the MotherCircle format and curriculum.
Co-Creating the Emerging Futures
Schumacher College, Devon UK
Developing and practicing leadership and facilitation skills that help co-create a better, fairer and more beautiful world.
2013 - 2024
Home Educator and Facilitator
Wild Wonderers | Forge Learning Community, Dorset, UK
I raised my children outside of the schooling system for 11 years. We were inspired by self-directed education principles. I co-created various home education projects, whilst training in consent-based education and outdoor learning. I founded and ran Wild Wonderers and The Forge Learning Community.
Level 1 and 2 Narrative Therapy
The Institute for Narrative Therapy, London
Narrative therapy seeks be a respectful, non-blaming approach to counselling, trauma therapy and community work, centring people as the experts in their own lives. It is a social justice approach to therapeutic conversations, seeking to challenge dominant discourses that shape people's lives in destructive ways.
2016 - 2017
Conceived, gestated and birthed my son Emilio
This was a journey of conscious conception, self knowledge, and complete self trust. Emilio was born in a free birth, just me, him and a wonderful Doula.
Introduction to Traditional Midwifery
Taining and teaching at
Mujeres Bachue, Colombia
This is a traditional indigenous-led intercultural midwifery school in Colombia. Their mission is to accompany women's decision-making from a place of pleasure that weaves care and wellbeing.
I took a course in the foundations of traditional midwifery and taught Birth Physiology, Primal Health and the effects of cultural conditioning.
Diploma in Transformational Coaching
Animas Centre for Coaching
Animas exists to help people find the courage and openness to look at their lives, work, relationships and their selves and to make changes that bring them greater happiness, meaning and fulfilment.
Paramana Doula Training
The original Doula training led by the legendary Michel Odent.
Human Biography Training
Crianza Institute, Laura Gutman
Human Biography is a psychoanalytical modality developed by Argentinian Psychonailist Laura Gutman. It aims to understand our past experiences - the child we have been and the consequences for adult life. We train ourselves to change course and re-establish the purpose of our lives, recovering the resources, life force and sense of purpose to assume our responsibility as adults.
2012 - 2013
Conceived, gestated and birthed my daughter, Serena
I learned most of what I know about life, the female body, truth, love humanity and birth through this experience.
Actor and Theatre Maker
For several years i worked as a professional actor on stage and screen. I also founded a theatre company, aya, with my now husband, Ryan. Highlights were creating a performance based on Rilke's Duino Elegies at the Southbank Centre in London, and producing and acting in a production of George Orwell's Burmese Days which we toured to New York.
MA in European Classical Theatre
Drama Centre, University of the Arts
I loved this theatre training - delving into classical texts and performing in the Globe Theatre in London. We also spent two months training in Moscow.